How Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Transforming Healthcare Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is creation of unique systems using algorithms and software that can perform certain tasks without human intervention and instructions. Artificial intelligence comprises integration of several technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, reasoning, and perception. Artificial intelligence is used in healthcare for approximation of human cognition and analysis of complex medical …

Healthcare Supply Chain Management Benefits and Future Challenges

Supply chain usually refers to the resources needed to distribute goods or services to the end user. In healthcare, managing the supply chain is normally a very complex and fragmented process. Healthcare supply chain management is a process of obtaining resources, handling supplies and distributing goods and services to providers and end users. To complete …

Latest Advances and Applications in the IoT in Healthcare: Attributed to Better Patient Care

IoT has a significant role to play in monitoring the health and safety of individual. Numerous pioneering wearable technologies have been developed in recent years that intent to revolutionize healthcare industry. Integration of IoT and wearable devices such as smart watch or health bands help to empower and educate patients to take control of their …

Healthcare Chatbots: Need for Virtual Health Assistance

Chatbot is a computer program designed to stimulate conversation of human beings through text or voice interactions. Healthcare chatbots are programs that assist patients with queries. This decreases the burden on the clinical staff. Automation of various workflow processes in the healthcare sector is likely to propel the demand for these virtual assistants. The chatbots …

Healthcare Business Intelligence: What Do We Know About How This Works For Health

Business intelligence (BI) is defined as a set of techniques, technologies, and tools, which are used for the collection of raw data and then transformed it into meaningful, useful and insightful information. It provides present, past and future view of business processes. In health care the meaning of executive performance is varying as rapidly as …

AI in Medical Imaging: Create Challenges and Opportunities

Artificial intelligence for health (AI) is the use of sophisticated algorithms and software to estimate human experience in the analysis of complex medical data. AI in particular is the ability for computer algorithms to make approximate conclusions without direct human input. Artificial intelligence (AI) is field of the computer science that allows machine to do …

A Big Year for Neuroscience

Neuroscience is a study of that is concerned with the structure and function of the nervous system. The study covers the evolution, development, physiology, cellular & molecular biology, anatomy & pharmacology of the nervous system, and also behavioral, computational and cognitive neuroscience. Tools such as MRI scans and computerized 3-D models are used to perform …

Healthcare Cognitive Computing: Next Big Thing for Business Growth

Cognitive computing is the reproduction of human thought procedures in an electronic form. Cognitive computing helps to identify risks and frauds. In healthcare sector it helps doctors to treat patients based on past data. The process is based on software bringing intelligence information. Cognitive computing need to manage complex and huge volume of data. Get …

Deeper Understanding of Electronic Health Record (EHR)

An electronic health record (EHR), is the schematized group of health information on patient data in a digital layout. These records can be shared across different health care settings. EHR includes a wide range of data, such as demographics, medical history of patient, medication & allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, …

Wearable Medical Devices Driving Huge Growth in Upcoming Years

Wearable medical devices are electronic in nature and are equipped with sensors that help in monitoring as well as keeping track of a patient’s health. Some of the uses of these devices include, activity tracking, infant monitoring and vital signs monitoring among others. Wearable devices help a patient to have access to his own health …

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